Is Your Salt Real?
Did you know that table salt has been stripped of minerals that your body needs? Not only is it devoid of nutrition, it's been bleached, is full of anti-caking agents and dextrose; refined sugar! Yuck.
“What conventional doctors and most mainstream organizations have failed to grasp is the difference between refined salt and unrefined salt…Refined salt lacks minerals and causes acidosis (lowered pH). Our bodies were meant to function optimally with adequate mineral levels and adequate salt intake. Only the use of unrefined salt can provide both of these factors.” -Dr. David Brownstein
When we eat *refined* salt (table salt), our body has to use its own nutrient stores of minerals, vitamins & enzymes to break down that "food". This leads to nutrient deficiencies and chronic illness.
Real salt not only makes food taste great but it has a perfectly balanced mix of trace minerals that our bodies NEED to function properly.
Did you know that having proper mineral balance allows your body to actually absorb water on a cellular level? Are you trying to stay hydrated but you’re constantly running to the bathroom? Add a pinch of unrefined mineral salt to your water to fix that problem!
As a side note- your adrenal glands loooove salt. Your adrenals help you adapt to stress- and I’m sure we could all use a little help there these days.
It’s also always a good idea to rotate what kind of unrefined salt you eat to get different mineral profiles as well! Himalayan pink salt, sea salt, etc. You can't outsmart nature, y'all. Ditch the table salt. Salt your food with real, unrefined salt.